
Past Updates

the chronicle of our stars

29.05.2024 -- finally, after months of sweating over my scanner, I'm proud to present Nymphaea, a manga gallery of beauty and thought! Also various little bits and pieces of housework around the main site done ♥

07.05.2024 -- the fanlisting for Sailor Star Fighter, Starpiercer, has partially opened. It's VERY bare bones at the moment, and definitely not in any state resembling what I'd like it end up as (a full shrine, basically), but as per TAFL's month-only construction rule, it's up. Due to worsening health problems, updates on all sites under SailorCrystal.NET may be a little sparse for the next few months or so. (For more details, click here.)

07.05.2024 -- the fanlisting for Sailor Star Fighter, Starpiercer, has partially opened. It's VERY bare bones at the moment, and definitely not in any state resembling what I'd like it end up as (a full shrine, basically), but as per TAFL's month-only construction rule, it's up. Due to worsening health problems, updates on all sites under SailorCrystal.NET may be a little sparse for the next few months or so. (For more details, click here.)

16.02.2024 -- happy new year, lunar and otherwise! I hope everyone had a happy one! ♥ The fanlisting for the adorable Chibi Chibi, A Little Bit of Hope, has opened, and sometime between now and the last update, I also got Strawberry Wine, the Minako+Rei relationship fanlisting (and eventually proper shrine!) online! Excuse my not noting it down, it's been a very hectic few months ^^;;

13.12.2023 -- the fanlisting for the eternally ambiguous Sailor Cosmos, Harmonia, has opened (a big thank-you to Nemi for letting me adopt it!), and the broken links that littered Desert River Guardians have all been fixed. I'm sorry for not noticing them for so long!

29.11.2023 -- it's the grand opening of Another Destiny, the fanlisting for BSSM: Another Story! I worked super hard on this layout, and there's lots of info coming soon (seeing as I've been playing this game for more than 20 years now!), so please look forwards to it!

13.11.2023 -- there are a tonne of new members over at Pretty Guardians, and I've done some general housework around the main site~ ★

11.08.2023 -- I've restructured the rules for the Pretty Guardians clique so that it can hold more members! The more the merrier, ne? ♥ It'll be interesting to see how popular each senshi is!

05.07.2023 -- long time no update; I seriously apologise! It's been a rough few months healthwise. At some point after the last update, I created the Queen Serenity fanlisting, and the fanlisting for Takeuchi-sensei's early manga The Cherry Project! ♥

19.04.2023 -- hey everyone, we've just moved onto a new server! Please excuse any minor errors that may or may not pop up over the next 24 or so hours, and please do let me know if you run into anything broken and I'll get right onto correcting it. Also, the PQ Angels fanlisting now lives here on SailorCrystal!

07.04.2023 -- happy full moon night...Kousagi.NET has transformed into SailorCrystal.NET! (Why?) We have a new layout to celebrate~ Please forgive any missing files or broken links you might find as we move into the new place! ^_~

27.03.2023 -- four new translations up at Across the Universe. plus a tiny bit of error-correcting, typo-obliteration, and general housework.

18.03.2023 -- after a ridiculous amount of coding, Across the Universe is FINALLY online!

09.03.2023 -- Pretty Guardians has officially opened, and there are random additions and changes on the main site!

20.02.2023 -- layout updated and improved, pages added and expanded!

17.02.2023 -- new layout and links page is up up up~! ♥ Just slightly over the midnight mark in my part of the world (笑)