a True Star Seed brings rebirth
"our Sailor Crystals are what give us hope..."
ようこそへ「セーラークリスタル・ドット・ネット」やで! Welcome your kawaii self to SailorCrystal.NET, nicknamed the True Star Seed Network (and fomerly known as Kousagi.NET), a collective focused around the many aspects of Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon, in all its varied and wonderful forms, and what it means to the webmistress, a Moonie of some 20+ years (and counting!).
Navigation (depending on your screen size) is either to your left or above~ Please enjoy your stay at SailorCrystal.NET, and please do leave a message on the tagboard on your way out! ♥
aromatic // unicorn frappucino
NPC Lethe & Mnemosyne
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Recent updates
02.06.2024 -- the gallery at Kiss & Cry is now open! Enjoy some pre-Moon prettiness from Naoko-sensei~
29.05.2024 -- finally, after months of sweating over my scanner, I'm proud to present Nymphaea, a manga gallery of beauty and thought! Also various little bits and pieces of housework around the main site done ♥
07.05.2024 -- the fanlisting for Sailor Star Fighter, Starpiercer, has partially opened. It's VERY bare bones at the moment, and definitely not in any state resembling what I'd like it end up as (a full shrine, basically), but as per TAFL's month-only construction rule, it's up. Due to worsening health problems, updates on all sites under SailorCrystal.NET may be a little sparse for the next few months or so. (For more details, click here.)