Held by the wings of an angel...
Welcome to Kiss & Cry, the TAFL-approved fanlisting for Takeuchi Naoko's other series featuring a blonde twintailed heroine, the magnificent skating manga, The Cherry Project! Released in Nakayoshi magazine starting in 1991, TCP tells the story of Asuka Chieri (nicknamed Cherry, for obvious reasons), a 14-year-old daughter of a former All Japan champion figure skater, and the way her life (and her heart!) gets turned inside out when she meets her childhood skating hero, the handsome but aloof Tsuzuki Masanori, and it just so happens that he's looking for a skating partner...but the path to pairs won't be easy, as a rival miles out of Chieri's league is also determined to become his partner. The Cherry Project is a beautifully drawn and sweetly romantic slice of both sports and shoujo, with all the drama and cuteness we've come to know Naoko-sensei's work to feature -- if you're a fan, won't you add your name to the listing? ♥
You are viewing version 1 of Kiss & Cry, hearts on ice, featuring brushes from differentxdreamz and Lileya, and a scan from my own (very, very tiny) Naoko-sensei treasure trove! This layout should be viewable and readable on screens of every size, but if displays oddly for you, please feel free to email me and let me know, and I'll get right onto fixing it.